Water Heaters

Power Vent
Power Vents are tank water heaters. They differ in the way they expel combustion gases. Conventional vent heaters do so vertically, using the building’s chimney. Power Vent heaters blow the exhaust through a horizontal vent. It vents the gases through an exterior wall vent to the outside. This type of venting is superior for avoiding potential backdraft. Backdraft can spread carbon monoxide which can be fatal and as such, Power Vent water heaters can help protect your family. They are also more flexible in where they can be installed as they do not need access to the chimney. These water heaters are more expensive than conventional water heaters though the advantages can outweigh the cost difference. Smith Plumbing & Heating sells, installs, and maintains Rheem Power Vent water heaters. We also provide service work on any other brands. Call us today to learn more.